Tracy came and changed, and went off with Derek to Singapore Polytechnic. Soon, the others came. We changed and set off. Zina, Pherlyn and i had our white skirt folded. It was very long and loose. Upon reaching the general office, Mao Mao send Zina a message and Edmund was reading it aloud. Pherlyn found out that she forgot to bring her application form with her. Both of us ran back to council room in heels! Our feet hurt!

We wanted to jaywalk across to bus stop but we jaywalked towards the bridge and used the bridge. we girls were so afraid of the our steps. We were so used to wear school shoes that we were so anxious in wearing heels. We waited for our taxi.

We girls sat the first one and reached Singapore Polytechnic. The taxi driver and us had no idea where the engineering block was. the driver decided to ask the students. He shouted 'suai ger' to the boys and asked for direction. We were laughing and could not control ourselves. We reached there first. Three of us were calling the boys and they were trying to be funny and said crap on the phone. They lied to us that they took the MRT and will alight at Dover. We walked towards the MRT and luckily Pherlyn turned and saw 'PAP'. They came out of another taxi and all of them wore white. That's why Pherlyn thought that PAP came. We when to the auditorium and Mr Tan briefed us what we were suppose to do at night. Ushers were Zina, Kah Jing and Ivan. Pherlyn and i were the door keeper, in charge of tearing tickets. Edmund was at the box office. We went into the auditorium and listened to the band's rehearsal. Tracy and Derek prepared themselves for the MC tonight.

At evening, we went for dinner. Edmund and we girls followed Tracy to the backstage staircase and went to one of the four canteen they had. Their canteen was designed like a food court. We attracted many eyes because we were all wearing blazers. We couldn't find the other boys and called them. Great, they were at cafe not canteen. Walked one big round and found them munching on their cookies. Four of us ordered beef stew and we sat outside. As soon as we started eating, Zina and Edmund started to joke. Pherlyn added some words and made the jokes more hilarious. All of us were laughing uncontrollably. Edmund squeak and squeak. Zina said that he laughed like hamster. We kept chocking on our drinks and food. When we left our seats, the uncle who owned the cafe came and kept our plates. He blurred out a joke saying that one of seat had it's side coming off. Pherlyn sat there and we tease Pherlyn that she had her fats hidden somewhere. We had a great laugh when walking back to the box office. I dropped my spectacle on the floor and Zina almost stepped on it. I shouted out and Zina stopped in time. She stopped was because i shouted it was because she's trying to think of a way to cross the metal drain without her heels being stuck in it. (yakata...thank God)

We wore our blazer and went back in to hear the rehearsal. Ivan sat at a seat with a buttercup sticker at the back. I told Edmund that Ivan was buttercup in disguise, i thought the joke was lame but Edmund manage to laugh.

Edmund was busy with the tickets and money given by Mr Tan. Kah Jing gave us sweets and i wanted one because i wanted one, He didn't want to give it to me. I dump the stack of brioches given to me on his head. Than someone kind enough gave us Timeout. I wanted to eat one but that is going to hurt my braises.
At 6pm, we had to get ready. The band members went to change. We looked like them but slight difference. We had tie and badge put on, they only had a scarf to put on. Plus the girls skirts and their blazer were different from us. Daniel looked for us at box office and asked for toilet direction. He came back without his leather shoes. He panicked to look for his pair of leather shoes and fear that he would play out of tune later. This was when i found out from the brioches that he was French Horn's section leader! I don't believe it!

At 6.30pm, teachers, parents and friends start to come. The box office was crowded with people to buy tickets last minute and some who went to collect tickets. The first group of friends who came were the netballers. The first family who came was a band member's family. The first teacher to came was Ms Wong! She brought her boyfriend and her mother/future mother-in-law. What a rare sight. I was standing guard at the other door. I had to keep saying sorry, the door will only open at 6.45pm.

The door was opened! I was busy tearing tickets and giving out brioches. How i wished that i had a 3rd hand. The 3 ushers were busy bringing people to their seats. Many VIPs came and most of them were super long ex-students. Mr Singh came and than Mr Sim, and Mdm Choy with her kids. Mr Sim was chit-chating with some of his ex-students. I took a photo of Mdm Choy and her kids but as soon as i kept my handphone, she was standing infront of me. I was shocked as in since when she's here, I was speechless. Mark(trybe member) and his girlfriend came as well as Mark(graduated) and his friends. Upper sec councils like Jian Wei and Patrick was here too but not here for ushering.

Many people came. Most of the teachers came, even Mr Alex Wang came! Wa, we missed him so much. Saw roger and Mr brush. Mr brush told me that he will return my brush next year. I want my paintbrush back!!! It was than i realised that he was sec 3. I forgot that he went to Japan with school this June and he was in 3/3 > next year 4/3. I always thought that he was sec 4 same class as DC(Damien). Why i so stupid! Later than i realised that Edmund directed most of the people to my side. No wonder so many VIPs and teachers went into the auditorium through my door.
Time to close the door! Many people were late. Sorry, i can't open the door until the 1st song finishes. Jovial's family was late, I knew it from her mom i think?She was talking about Jovial all the time. OK, nice to meet you! First song ended and we allowed them to go in. Others were late again and i only allowed them to go in after the 2nd song. After the 3rd song, Mr Tan allowed us to go in and listen to the performance for free!
When the lights were switched on, we rushed out to prepare the refreshments for the VIPs. Mr Wang was talking to Mr Singh. Many friends wanted to eat the swiss rolls and egg tarts from polar but sorry, only for VIPs.

After the 15 minutes break, we needed to ask everyone to go back for the next performance. Most of them went back except Mdm Choy. We asked Kah Jing to talk to her. He was gathering all his might and walked towards Mdm Choy. Mdm Choy was waiting for her daugher to come out of the toilet. Zina, Pherlyn and i when into the toilet to look for her. She's not in there! We came out and found out that the other teachers took her to another toilet. We thought she was kidnapped. Everyone went in and we rested. Ivan and Kah Jing went in because they brought the tickets. Kean Thong came out to look for us. We were all so happy to see him, we bugged him to do ushering with us. It was meant to be a joke because he's not wearing the dress code for ushers. Neither we knew that he brought his clothes and was ready to do ushering anytime. Wow, we're so touched. He later drag Parshanth out to meet us. Next we told them that we're joking and there were enough ushers, no worries. We're very thankful of them for volunteering to do ushers but they just ended their BB camp today and were all tired out, we can't ask them to do ushering right?

We found out that there were alot of leftovers. Mr Tan came out and we asked if we could have them. He said sure why not. Upon hearing the news, we snatched the food.
While eating, we girls complained that our feet hurt after standing and walking with heels. First, Pherlyn wanted to seat down and Raychard snatched the chair away. Next, Edmund and Raychard snatched the chair and Pherlyn joined in the fun.